VISTA MULTI – ÂNGULOS CARACTERÍSTICAS ZONTES 125U Tipo de Motor 1 cilindro, 4 tempos, 4 válvulas, árvore cames simples (SOHC) Cilindrada – cc 125cc Diâmetro x curso 52 x 58 Potência Máxima 10,8 kW (14,5cv) a 9000 rpm Torque Máximo 13,0 Nm aVisita il sito ufficiale Zontes Italia, Germania e Austria Zontes è un marchio di Guangdong Tayo Motorcycle Technology Co di altissima qualitàZontes zt125u, the latest and greatest addition to the 125 cc market!!

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Zontes u 125 scheda tecnica
Zontes u 125 scheda tecnica-Zontes 125 u NAKED Das Bike ist flexibel und leicht zu handhaben und garantiert dank des neu konzipierten, wassergekühlten Motors mit hohem Verdichtungsverhältnis bei einer durchschnittlichen Streckenlänge (500 km) ein unbeschwertes FahrvergnügenThe ZT125U is fruition of the latest Zontes design evolution If you want the ultimate in style and performance, get ready to own the streets on a Zontes Featuring a powerful 108kW, high compression ratio, watercooled motor, this sporty naked can be used as an economical commute at the flick of an ecomapping button

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ZONTES ZT 125 U ABS 2 YEARS WARRANTY FINANCE AUTHORISED DEALER Barnet, London This is the new Zontes ZT 125 U ABS in gleaming gloss grey & red, it is also available in orange This is a brand new bike It comes with the Zontes manufacturers 24 month parts & labour warranty It has Eco Mode, LCD Dashboard & Keyless GoVi raccontiamo come va in anteprima la bella Zontes 125 U moderna, con una bel motore (pur limitato ovviamente per legge a 15 cv) e con una dotazione incredDec 02, · The Zontes is compact, easy to ride and power from its belt and braces liquid cooled 145bhp 125cc fourstroke engine is delivered cleanly It
ZONTES U125 Precio, ficha técnica, promociones y principales características Motos naked 125ccZONTES MOTORCYCLES, is a powerful industrial group founded in 03 For example, ZONTES specializes in the production of motor vehicles and has advanced industrial equipment A fully robotised production line, low pressure alloy casting, die casting and multiaxis welding are just some of the house specialtiesΜε κάθετη διάταξη φωτισμού μπροστά, το βλέμμα της δίνει μία πολύ επιθετική όψη, χαρίζοντάς της προσωπικότητα και εμφάνιση "KING KONG"
Oct 21, · Zontes ZT125U1 1 of 3 The above stylish, liquidcooled 125 is just one of an allnew, threebike lineup about to go on sale in the UK The latest goodlooking offerings come from Zontes, a brandTest Zontes 125 G1 Test e anteprima Zontes 125 G1 prezzo e scheda tecnica per la naked cinese stile "café racer", ma anche moderna e adatta a un leggero offroad Per esperti e neopatentati, ragazze e ragazziZontes colove swm rieju fb mondial aeon daelim tinbot wottan ariic simpson contact login go to content zontes zt 125 u highlights kontrollsystem ohne zÜndschlÜssel

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Zontes U 125 Naked De Segunda Mano Por 2 990 En Villanueva De La Canada En Wallapop
Title Z0U110ST ZONTES U1_125 U_125 ' TOP Author pere Created Date AMZontes 125 U Flexibility and light handling thanks to the newly designed high compressionrate water refrigerated engine Free to live as you wishThese bikes are unbelievable quality and by far the best 125cc machines we have ever sold!

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Sep 21, · Según la web de Zontes será un pelín más cara que la U125 Imagino que la veré el mes que viene cuando vaya a la concesión, a ver qué impresión me da, pero ahora mismo mis ojos están puestos en la U125 olvidándome de los caminos XDEsta página destinase apenas para aqueles que são adeptos, proprietários ou futuros proprietários dos modelos ZontesZontes wottan mondial ariic swm colove rieju aeon daelim tinbot accessories acebikes shad simpson 125 cc dealers zontes colove swm rieju fb mondial aeon daelim zt 125 u >discover< zt 125 g1 >discover< zt 125 u1 >discover< 310 r >discover< 310 r s pecial s eries >discover< 310 r1 >discover< 310 r1 s pecial s eries >discover< 310 x

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Zontes U 125 21 Prueba Precio Y Ficha Tecnica
Příslušenství Zontes Držák bočních kufrů Držák bočních kufrů pro motocykly Zontes 310 T, 310 T2, 310 R a 125 U 2 990 Kč vč DPHProhlédněte si nabídky Zontes U 125 od motobazarů a motosalonů!Sep 19, · Zontes ZT125U und ZT125 G1 Preiswerte 125er im spektakulären Outfit Den boomenden Markt der Leichtkrafträder bereichert der chinesische Hersteller Zontes mit zwei neuen Motorrädern mit 125 ccm

Nueva Zontes U125 14 6 Cv Keyless Full Led Abs Bosch Y Menos De 3 000 Euros

Zt 125 U Eng
Exclusive distribution for Benelux market by MOOOF NV Rijksweg 440, 8710 Wielsbeke BELGIUMI am a motorcycle enthusiastic I love making videos with scooters and commuter motorcycles and I like to do unboxings and also I travel a lot and thDržák bočních kufrů pro motocykly Zontes 310 T, 310 T2, 310 R a 125 U 2 990 Kč vč DPH Zontes 310T/T2 a 125 U boční kufry SH35 Sada obsahuje originální držák Zontes a dva boční hliníkové kufry se zámkem 14 080 Kč vč DPH

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Zontes Zt 125 G1 U1 21 Gpr Albus Evo4 Full System Exhaust Homologated With Cat
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